32-bit software can only address 4GB of RAM. 64-bit can address 16 BILLION GB. That's quite a leap.
No schedules. No regrets.
Damien Walters freerunning / parkour / gymnastics show reel is crazy off the page. http://bit.ly/qLNEE It's like he's a super hero.
I miss bands like Ashes and Beta Minus Mechanic. When will we have *that* revival.
Do not worry about people stealing an idea. http://bit.ly/JFwVY (via @rands / @plasticbagUK)
Seattle Reminder: My Going Away Party is tonight at the Honey Bucket in the U Dist. 4733 NE 92nd ST. ~6pm. Be there or never see me again.
OH: "We decided the solution to the world's problems is to just get everyone together and get drunk." Uh... ok.
I love "some_number.zero?" sooo much better than "some_number == 0".
Always making me happy in new ways. Thanks, Ruby.
My last git commit message was "CSS Wankery". Yep.
Trailing white space is not your friend, my friend. Neither is ambiguity.
Gorilla Biscuits covering "Should I Stay or Should I Go?" by The Clash in France 1991. http://bit.ly/VJRRs
In reply to:.@courtneyriot I'll scroll all day long. Don't make me click for more. Spacebar is your browsing friend. Also, don't scroll sidewards.
Jeepers. Recurring events that are sometimes different are really hard to deal with in the codez. Even with @jbarnette's guidance.
In reply to:.@n8duke Captain Slams Every Door was up and at them at 7:30am. I'm sleeping on the couch. 2 + 2 = 5 QED.
Tomorrow 6pm at The Honey Bucket house in the U District. My going away party. I'm leaving Seattle. There will be milkshakes. @ me for info