Listening to the Anti-Matter comp and writing codez on the front porch of The Honey Bucket.
The Wikipedia Book: (via @chrismessina)
My dinner looks pretty effing amazing.
Vanquishing business problem foes whilst wielding my Ruby on Rails broad sword with +2 armor. Dragons be this way.
Yes, I'm internet messaging with @crystal_danger while sitting right next to her. Yes, I'm OK with that.
#followfriday At Your Mother
I'm a dummy. I meant:
Who here *doesn't* LOVE a ternary operator?
Who here *doesn't* a ternary operator?
How to be happy in business - venn diagram: (via @tonyxprice)
.@tjnelsonjr's account of the 3 day Olympic Peninsula Road Trip
Teaching @crystal_danger to be a nerd.
OH @worstdukeever: "The first this country needs right now is spiders in stretchy pants."
Hello, INBOX ZERO. It's been a while since we last saw each other. I've missed you so.
Black MacBook is running really hot. It won't keep a battery charge over night. Zapped PRAM and reset PMC. Any other ideas?
Photos by @tjnelsonjr of our 3 day weekend road trip around the Olympic Peninsula