Dinner plans fell apart. Eating Pizza Pi alone and reading comics instead.
Always a problem. Always a solution.
For the love of freedom, people. When rioting, WEAR A MASK : http://www.boston.com/bigpicture/2009/04/protests_at_the_g20_summit.html
Who knew Iowa was such a progressive state? http://www.nytimes.com/2009/04/04/us/04iowa.html?_r=1&hp
Note to future self: when you already have a runny nose, don't eat spicy food.
So when are we gonna see DOW < 7000?
iPhone + twitter + NetNewsWire = "morning paper in bed" for me. I sort of ease in to being awake.
I'm gonna slice up 30 bananas for the dehydrator. Get into it.
It's 5:30pm. I just realized that I haven't eaten today yet.
I love finding (and reconnecting with) old friends on the internet. Long since lost but not forgotten. xo
Over heating MacBook == little lap warmer on this cold wet grey day
@dogstats is the new app I built. Super simple dog walking tracking. No sign up. No username. No password. No email. http://dogstats.com
I finished polishing out some rough edges on the web app I started last night. To celebrate, I ate cole pizza. True to programmer form. :D
Srsly? Bacon Bra. Gross. http://www.flickr.com/photos/briankusler/3252320044/
want a venn diagram of people: just my friends, just yours & our mutual friends. when searching yours for new ones, i don't need to see mine