Who's in Seattle Capitol Hill that wants to get lunch?
I love riding my bike hard and fast. I don't know why I don't do it more often. Something about hills and rain.
I'm off to brave the post office to ship shirts to canada, minnesota, and las vegas. I'm riding my bike today. So stoked on this weather.
It looks like @zeldman rolled his own URL shortener : http://www.zeldman.com/x/6
@onepinsue in order to direct message soneone on twitter, the recipient has to be following the sender. nudge nudge.
I should not have stayed up til 5:30am reading Powers volumes 7-12. This is somehow @bendis' fault. I just can't put it down one I start.
@bendis Young Abe Sapien at ECCC was pretty intense as well. I really hope it was the kids' idea, not the parents.
Comic con pro tip: get a baby sitter. Don't bring your baby and emphatically don't bring your stroller.
At Emerald City Comic Con. These are my people.
On my way to Emerald City Comic Con. Missed 2 buses. Tried hitch hiking. No dice. Walked a few miles. Finally on some bus.
The Wolverine movie is great. Especially the part where he and Spider-Man switch bodies. Just like @bendis wrote.
Lions vs Crocodiles vs Buffalo at The Battle at Kruger http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LU8DDYz68kM Incredible. If just the humans would shush
Shave and haircut. Two bits. I'm respectable now.
I think Wolverine is still gonna do great opening weekend and that this "leak" was intentional to build buzz.
@cohitre made me happy and can do you too! http://☺.cohitre.com/post/92750848/hello-shane-from-seattle-you-are-sad-because-you