Andy Hurley == animal play drums
The Now : Fall Out Boy Edition.
The Now
At the Fall Out Boy show with @xdanasaurx. Dance dance.
However, squirrels are just about as opposite of creepy fucking weird as you can get.
Uh... yeah. These pictures aren't at all creppy fucking weird. WTF?
Today's plans: hang out with @fuckcity (a) and eats lots of food. That is all.
I can't believe I'm saying this (out loud, in front of other people)... I'm considering moving back to Bloomington, IN.
Some days I really hate living in the city. Today might be one of those days. So loud.
I washed my hoodie for the first time in prolly 6 months. It *needed* it. Amazing how well it fits now.
iPhone cake looks awesome :
Rainbow Bigots: "I am a Massechusets parent helplessly watching public schools teach my son that gay marriage is OK." Awesome data viz of people arrested in the last 24 hours in Tampa Bay area. Smiling mug shots are funny.
I was super duper productive yesterday. Not at all today. It seems like I can't do back to back days. Duly noted.
I'm selling an Optima projector, its cables and a big stand up screen for $400 on gregslist.