The circus is over (for me). Waiting for an Amtrak bus back to Seattle. But at least I'm warm, dry and not in a mold filled room. Good times
At The Eatery in Vancouver, BC waiting fir our sushi. Some pretty shitacular service at this place.
The Now : Fall Out Boy in Vancouver Edition
All Time Low does in fact bring it. And they're a total fucking circus act.
Shake shake. Shake shake. Shake it.
Metro Station is pretty meh. But they do know a thing or two about stage presence.
Hey Monday is playing
Dinner at catering at the Fall Out Boy show is actually pretty alright. Stir fry with tofu and veggies, lots of fresh fruit too.
I'm an idiot. I've been saying UBC Sounders. It's UBC Thunderbirds. Oops.
Dude. The catering at rock shows is the opposite of glamourous. Still, it's free.
After an hour of ice skates and hockey, running shoes feel really fucking nice.
The Now : Waking Up On A Bus Edition
I just woke up ok a tour bus in a different country. That's a first. (I had passport and pj pants, like any good scout would)
Random turn of events. I'm on the Fall Out Boy bus eating Pizza Pi and Mighty O heading to Vancouver, BC. Crazy.
Killing time. Talking to Sue Vogel (not related to Scott). Waiting for @fuckcity. She's old and wacky.