@tweetie How do i send this tweet from the keyboard after i've typed it? I suggest Cmd-Shift-D, like Mail.app.
Matchstick model of Minas Tirith : http://tr.im/jfBn (via @Bobsuicide)
In reply to:@n8duke The saddest apart about Stephen Hawking's health decline and eventual death is that christian fundamentalist assholes will celebrate
Going to sleep in a very cold room because I didn't shut the window before we went out earlier. Need more body heat.
I just bought a van. A black '93 GMC Safari like I used to own. So excited. It's all coming together.
I love the train ride between Seattle and Portland. It's oh so pretty.
OH: "People on the west coast work to live. People on the east cost live to work." Dude was from Jersey near Manhattan. I agree with him.
I set my alarm for 7am to wake up by 815 to make my 845 bus to make my 1100 train to pdx to buy a van at 430. So far so good.
If anyone *really* loves Discount, I have a red adult medium "Pop Revolution by Any Means Necessary" shirt for you. @ me if interested.
Fear Factor Taste Tester (http://bit.ly/9GPri) winning big on Price is Right (http://bit.ly/WlUFj) via @xdanasaurx
The Hipster Grifter : http://tinyurl.com/c9b7th (via @jawkdna)
Waking up in 5 hours and still not asleep. Awesome?
Uh... what? I just saw a commercial for Mango Tango on Hulu. So bizarre.
Another 8am meeting tomorrow. It's after midnight and I'm nowhere near tired. Fuuuck. Waking up is gonna hurt. Again.
Hello 8AM. It's been a while since we've seen each other. Let's not make a thing of this.