@chrismessina I don't care how cool it is, any app that uses the typeface Hobo looses my business. http://capoapp.com Looks cool, though. ;)
In reply to:
Frying up some veggie dumps (like a truck). What.
In reply to:@arielwaldman where do you find the flic.kr short url for a photo on flickr?
In reply to:@FUCKCITY Open Safari. Go to Preferences. In the General pane set Default Web Browser to Safari. All links will open in Safari now. Tada.
@nerdmeritbadges More pictures of badges : http://bit.ly/W6Jao http://bit.ly/Xn1uA Added Homonyms and one of the first three together.
How to inflate your tire with starter fluid : http://www.flickr.com/photos/grahamichael/3424465147/ (via @kottkedotorg)
http://www.morenewmath.com/ Who doesn't love math? Am I right or am I right?
Daily Self Portrait 365 : Day 110 : http://tinyurl.com/cr5h2u
In reply to:@FUCKCITY andy: in tweetie, command-enter sends your twoot
In reply to:@bleything are you talking about rewriting my something?
In reply to:@drbrain can you get a free ORCA card with some credit on it or just the card?
http://post.ly/LB5 The Yellow House crew (or part of them) at Magnuson Dog Park yesterday.
In reply to:@fixie I'm road tripping the whole lower 48. http://www.flickr.com/photos/veganstraightedge/3206421132/
@tweetie Is there a way to jump to the top of the list? (Opt Up or Cmd Up, maybe) Go to next unread twoot if it's not next in the list?
@tweetie I would love to open all URLs in a twoot from the keyboard. @twitterific simply uses the right arrow. Is there a way already?