Interesting fun fact of the day: Of all the continental United States, South Dakota is the only state where Amtrak trains don't go.
I love spring cleaning. Getting rid of *everything* feels so great. Get into it.
The Grizzy Bear Best Man :
(expanding on @bookis)
I joined twitter on 15 January 2007 (832 days ago) :
In reply to:@nev you're right that twitter NOW limits usernames to 15 chars, but they didn't used to. hence, my name. it's really frustrating for me.
Star Wars animals :
@xfinnx and I just coined SeiToPeh (seitan in tofu in tempeh or something) as vegan TurDuckEn. Or whatever.
The Now : Ice Cream and Cookie Social Edition
@n8duke A. You can keep the 8, thx. 2. There's a social contract that if you can create a username, you get to keep it. It's a @twitter bug.
In reply to:@chrismessina FlickrExport plugin for iPhoto :
@nev doesn't work for me, b/c they limit the input field to veganstraighted. I'm not Ed, vegan & straight.
In reply to:@gregbennick Video of the first two songs from the Trial show :
Cat vs Cardboard Box. Guess who wins?
And 8, 8... I forget what 8 was for.
I hope you know this will go down on your permanent record.