@bleything + Ryan Davis + emacs == <3
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Trading war stories with my boys. The blooper reel is as good as the highlight reel.
Srsly, if you've got scabies, you're dead to me.
Ryan Davis : "I think for version 1, we're gonna limit ourselves to cupcakes."
The past few days have been totally summer vacation. Today is not so much. Client meeting in a bit. Then two other time commitments.
The past few days have been some crucial hang outs with old friends that I haven't seen in too long. @xithejuryx finally got into town too.
Snuck into "I Love You, Man" with @xfinnx, Crystal and Kelly. Good times. Good times.
@xfinnx just showed me some square dancing manuevers. Actually kinda fun.
The Now : Boat Loads of Free Arayas with Good Friends at The Honey Bucket http://yfrog.com/6q3v7j
Leave the envelope in a public place and wait for its return : http://www.igotanenvelope.com/ (via @rands)
Today Is the Day : http://istheday.blogspot.com (via @rschroed)
I need to open some 12 year old PageMaker files and only have an Intel Mac. Any ideas?
You know the BlackBerry Bold commercials that say "Everything you love in life in one place"? Well, what if I love CSS 3 support? What then?
In reply to:@gregbennick way to go with the first audition. good luck with the rest.
I'm selling all four Edward Tufte books + the Tufte Napoleon poster for $100. @ / dm me or email : veganstraightedge@gmail.com