Do yourself a favor and listen to Black Star's "Definition" right now. Mos Def & Talib Kweli. Best alliance in hiphop.
In reply to:
@n8duke GameBoy timeline is good for what ails you :
I'm selling all 7 Harry Potter Hardcover Adult Editions for $100 (plus shipping if not local).
I'm selling it all:
To live more simply.
To not be so tied down.
To be freer to move and travel.
To save/make money for my student loans.To clarify, "selling everything" means *everything* minus some clothes, a few tools, my laptop/gadgets. Yeah, pretty much everything.
MLK's "I Have a Dream" speech run thru an auto-tuner is the best R&B song. (via @kottkedotorg)
I'm selling everything I own (including comics). If you want something I have, make me an offer. (The things you own end up owning you.)
In reply to:@SamiNummi The X's didn't smear onto my face or pillow or anything. I don't think it was hot enough. I didn't sweat them off in my sleep.
@heroku seems to have shit the bed. all my apps are down right now. sad panda is sad.
First time, in a long time, that I've woken up with X's on my hands.
Video: Trial Reunion Show 2009 First Two Songs (Reflections / One Step Away) :
Capitalism (eg.moshing) is indeed organized crime. And we're all the victims.
@gregbennick just now on stage in a Trial song: "...East Timor, Rwanda, Kosovo, Iraq, Gaza. What about Gaza? PEOPLE ARE DYING IN GAZA!"
At the Trial show I've seen a handful of old friends. Not really the ones I was expecting. It's a little weird.
Tabling @tra_shirts with @bookis. Not nearly as many people as their 2004 reunion show. Prolly because of the Burning Fight show in May.