Tricking out a Rails template based on my typical use case. In /rals/rails_template.rb
I want to be friends with a pride of wild lions :
Tell Him - The Exciters
I'm going to start interviewing bands again soon. What are some great questions to ask every band?
@xFINNx @xithejuryx and @xteenyx are finally a part of the club. about f'ing time. i miss those kids.
4 new Defiance, Ohio songs. Donate $ first : ;)
@jbarnette and my sarcasm indicator: tilt your baseball hat to the side while being sarcastic. (hatless? just make the gesture w/ your hand)
Usage: htmldog <HTML TAG> or <CSS PROPERTY> . Returns documentation for said tag/property.
My first gem. sudo gem install htmldog
@worstdukever just said: 2/3 of the state is a desert. And the other 2/3 gets like 12 inches of snow.
@xveganivanx I was under exagarating.
I just got home to a happy dog and a powerless house. Anyone else in Seattle without power?
I went on a date with this one girl. It was good.
I finally saw Watchmen. It was good.
@elisfanclub @elisfanclub sushi. Inari. Mango tango. And comics.