@iattleson @n8duke i'm pretty sure "Bedsheets for Cars: The Eli Duke Story" has already been made : http://www.twoangrycamelsinacar.com/
i need dns help for godaddy + heroku. anyone help a brother out?
I am moving all my personal stuff it's own domain: http://iamshane.com off of http://theresistancearmy.com more to come
RT @bookis Does anyone want my snowboard?
Amazing read about world's biggest diamond heist http://tinyurl.com/ak8hrx (via @jkottke)
@drbrain i do the same Safari command chain: L V ENTER http://twitter.com/drbrain/status/1324025175
In reply to:@tenderlove Giiiirl, you're the Bootleg Queeeen.
Apps that stay open all the time: Safari, Mail, TextMate, iTunes (basically all the time) and Twitterific. @twitterific stop beach balling.
I'm trying to buy a domain from someone again. I really want it to work this time.
In reply to:@SeattleOtaku is correct that today in 1989 was merely a paper presented about the idea of the World Wide Web. Servers came online in 1991.
"You need say 'is' only once... in certain contexts." http://bit.ly/Hhwl #is-is
RT: @tonyxprice Ricky Gervais with Elmo on Sesame Street "interview". Funny stuff. http://snipurl.com/dqtfa
Happy 20 year birthday, World Wide Web. http://bit.ly/happy_bday_www
@xjoehallx if you go, it's sure to be a rager.
"I’m blogging this" No, you’re not. http://tinyurl.com/b8rluh