@bookis took me home after picking me up from SEA-TAC. Then the first thing I did was plug in laptop, iPhone, camera & Time Machine HD.
Still on the runway.
"Ive just been informed that you do not have individual TVs. Sorry for that." It may, in fact, be a moth. Look at that wing span.
Now the pilot is telling us about the tv/movie/game system at each of our seats that we definitely don't have. "Look at that horse."
Half way thru the safety video with the "sassy redhead" the displays cut out. I guess it wasn't important.
Once more unto the breach, my friends. ATL => SEATAC. 2 seats, 1 me. Hello, sleep. I've missed you.
I forgot to mention that a couple days ago I got part of my case, keyboard and trackpad replaced for free by Apple even w/o warranty. WIN!
US customs is a joke if you're young and white and your hat's not low. Dude didn't ask about my trip or look at my documents.
In reply to:@kateburge it's 6:30am. I'm on the US east coast for another couple hours. Then off to the Pac Nor West.
ATL is a ghost town at this hour.
I'm back in Gringolandia. I partcipated in the miracle of human flight zipping thru the air in a metal tube while sitting in a chair.
@chrismessina's new post on "Generation Open" is really inspiring. And inspired. http://tinyurl.com/bqy49f
When I get home, I'm gonna give http://wiki.github.com/sorccu/cufon a whirl. Looks like a very cool sIFR replacement. Die, Flash. Die.
It's 11 AM. In 11 hours, I'll be on a plane returning to Seattle. Chile has been awesome. But home sounds nice right now. Civ, get ready.
The photo shoot with @xignaciox and @hernandsgn is over and the @tra_shirts photos look AWESOME. I can't wait to upload them.