This is my home for the next three days. Get jealous.
@xignaciox's party tonight then I'm going north for a few days of sunny beaches and warm ocean. Say it with me now... Stoked!
I'm in Chile writing lots of Rails code. I'm OK with that. It's going really well. I can't imagine building web apps like I used to... ugh.
In reply to:@n8duke lots of list sites do very similar things. Listable is well done. just a slightly different approach to lists. it's fine by me.
In reply to:@bookis i wasn't aware of Listable. I don't know if @elisfanclub was.
In reply to:@SamiNummi use Earth Balance instead butter for everything.
In reply to:@deanero impressive! i think i signed up about the same time, but didn't use it for several months. i was just securing my username.
In reply to:@bookis I gave a whirly :
I can't believe that I've been actively using Twitter for 2+ years.
Santiago people: we have 3 tickets to Camilla tonight. @ or dm me if you want them.
"Some people may see me as heartless, insensitive or uncaring"
@steffROCK converts zombie defense advice to daily life advice. nice stuff.
In reply to:@RainbowSuicide mountain bikes == FAIL
Bank of America, telling me about an international toll free number after waiting on hold for 13 minutes if fucking useless and insulting.
In reply to:@n8duke bank of america, insolvent or not, is gonna pay for the phone call.