I fucking hate banks. Bring on the insolvent. The fuckers.
I just spent $46 on a phone call b/c Bank of America locked my card after being in Chile for 2 weeks even tho I told them I'd be here for 4.
"The key to performance is elegance, not battalions of special cases." -McIlroy and Bentley
Keyboard pants. Do want. http://tinyurl.com/683wn8 (via @deanero)
Safari 4 Tip: Hide your bookmarks bar. Tabs on top become a lot less weird.
I do really need to create a stub rails project with all the auth stuff & user mgmt pre-baked. It's silly that i rebuild it again & again.
@twitterific just wouldn't let me type a "<" in my previous tweet for a "<3". now it's fine. hmph.
@drbrain i think i have the last of the macbooks / pros that have the volume keys on the left and f8-f12 are free for expose / dashboard.
The B-Fish is going away at http://tinyurl.com/asglb6
More Red Pandas http://tinyurl.com/dhutt6 (via @zooborns)
RT @Bobsuicide Some epic video game character re-designs: http://tinyurl.com/ct74x8 (Sonic was never cuter!)
In reply to:@ev plz plz plz grandfather users with usernames "too long" like me. so i can change my settings and show up in search. #fix #feature?
@lilyroseallen delivers the word "fuck" with awesome tenacity in the line "i want loads of clothes and fuck loads of diamonds."
In reply to:@aphoenix do you need a local Auclander today?
@mattxmiller, meet @xignaciox. @xignaciox, meet @mattxmiller. both sxe, photog, awesome dudes. you should be homies. and... go.