Today is shower day too.
Today is art museums with Gricel and Valentina.
Last night I finally found 100% juice. Man, apple juice has never tasted so good.
Nerd HALP. How do I proxy thru the US so I can watch hulu?
Danzig to Lilly Allen? What kind of station is this craziness?
In reply to:@elisfanclub be sure to get the veggie bento box again ;)
Twice tonight I've heard Faith No More on the radio. Unfortch, "Mother" by Danzig is on now. Boo-urns.
At @xignaciox's apt, they're listening to some american 90s alt/pop on the radio. It's pretty great.
Hanging out at Ignacio's apt. They have a couple MacBooks. Damn, I miss mine. It's still in the shop.
In reply to:@tenderlove Yeah. New rule. I thought I still had my 'winging it' privileges. Apparently they have been revoked, expired or are not metric.
New rule for my travels: only go where you know the language or have a full time guide / travel partner.
Twitteriffic loads data, but Safari doesn't. Wifi works on MacBook but not iPhone. So. Frustrated.
Best interview question evar: When was the last time you cried and why?
Oh good. The car alarm from 3 nights ago is going off incessantly. Again. I look forward to sleeping well tonight.
My solution for typing the at symbol is to go to twitter and page down until I find a reply then copy/paste. Also, the / is shift 7. WTF?