Today I felt very home sick and out of my element. Like I wish I would have gone to .nz instead.
DIY chain tensioner made with a spoon:
I would love to see this updated as Walmart implodes: http://projects/
I do love data viz pr0n:
Map of famous journeys:
All Attack, No Hold Back, North Korean style:
Rules for a gun fight: (via @jkottke)
Civilization, thru pictures of parking garages:
Finally. The complete Harper´s Magazine searchable/linkable Index archive. So happy.
In reply to:@elisfanclub most annoying myths about anarchism: A. we are a single group 2. we are opposed to groups.
In reply to:@tenderlove i got the same $firstname$ email.
For Valentine´s Day Hernan, Carol, Ivy, Jaly and I went bowling. Bowling alleys are fucking crazy dangerous here. Safety not first.
Went on a long walk with Ivy and Carol. Super tired for bed now. "10 minute walk" turned into a 2 hour walk.
I know I'm late, but... Happy 1234567890 Day!
In reply to:@jbarnette Welcome to the Jobless Bastards Collective. Population: nutritional yeast.