Hell is other people’s PSD files.
Anarchy in Rojava:
A libertarian revolution in the Middle Easthttps://vimeo.com/120245429
/by @submedia
“I Wanna Be An Emo Spock Look Alike” by I Like Japanese Hardcore is my new jam. Listen: http://t.thisismyjam.com/veganstraightedge/_9pm5v93
In reply to:@judsonlester
2. Why shouldn't a text based data format be human writable? Lest not we forget and repeat the woes of SOAP.
In reply to:@judsonlester
1. The first grumpy toot made me think of the other. I didn't mean to imply that one would hand write JSON-LD.
RT @AndrewWK: Some people think you can't party hard if you're straight edge.
Those people are wrong.
In reply to:Also, can we write comments in JSON yet?
In reply to:@thethermals D. All of the above?
I'd like to wager a long bet *against* JSON-LD.
Any takers?
@gruber Did @Telegraph get the date wrong for Cook being officially named CEO? It was before Jobs death, right?
RT @A_single_bear: There are foxes.
At least I've got this #rooftopthecat laying on my arm. That's pretty good. @ The Farmhouse https://instagram.com/p/zoO2H_Mnnt/
RT @moxie: "...but GPG works!"
Is it really "working" if it's what we've had for the past 20 yrs, and we still got a world of ubiquitous s…
In reply to:@gesa @trammell the best part is the font geometry at the bottom of the site.
In reply to:@callieferman Awesome!