Emily's first day at new job was today and I set her alarm to 5:45 PM by mistake. Ass!
In reply to:
@tonyxprice tony. what are you doing watching that garbage? i thought we talked about this.
In reply to:@tjnelsonjr dude. nineteen ninety two called and they want their sunglasses back.
In reply to:@timbray any standard cocoa app on os x has bash/emacs kybd shortcuts all over the place. Safari, TextEdit, Mail, et al. cntl y/k. no cntl w
In reply to:@bookis re: tree house community. pictures or it didn't happen.
In reply to:@elisfanclub and no it's not the Star of Earendil
In reply to:@elisfanclub did you ever find the surprise that i put in your backpack side pocket? it's to help your find your way in the dark times.
I am Jack's total lack of surprise.
Against Me! was pretty awesome. The crowd was pretty not. Got called a fag. Saw 3 fights. Loads of asshole dancing.
The problem with sound guys is that they do this every night. So their ears are shot. So they just turn it up to 11.
My favourite part of shitty bands is when they say "this is our last song". Oh thank you!
Feeds read. Inbox zero. Finished comic. Two shitty bands to go before against me. God help me. (I still don't believe in god, just saying)
Yes. I bring comics to shows. Yes. I'm ok with that.
In reply to:@bookis tell carrie that my eyes told me that they're here.
Oh! I'm reading Scott Pilgrim at the bar. It's awesome and nerdy.