The story of the MLB logo :
"So you'll get fucked and he'll get fucked."
Switch focus to iTunes. Press pause. Navigate to Rancid's record "Indestructible". Play "Red Hot Moon".
Crimes against typography :
The collective noun for the Common Raven is "unkindness" or "conspiracy". An unkindness of ravens... weird.
reretweeting @monstro via @poshy "How to be like Chuck Bass from Gossip Girl." you know you want to. xoxo.
New List : Areas Where The Resistance Army Shirts Needs Help :
Anyone have a wood burning stove they're looking to get rid of?
I'm looking to buy a wood burning stove. Every Seattle area store has pictures, but no f'ing prices. What's the deal?
Last week, one dear friend did 10,000 incredible things for me. I'm still in total awe of the selflessness of it.
In reply to:@timbray url fail:
In reply to:@ezmobius good luck, ez
In reply to:@n8duke pdx early saturday to evening sunday. i was hoping to stay at the duke-attleson hotel.
Next weekend is the weekend of shows: Friday: Against Me! in Seattle / Saturday: Against Me! in Portland / Sunday: Tim Barry (Avail) Seattle
In reply to:@tjnelsonjr so sorry for the car FAIL. at least you're in scenic Boise, ID, though. i mean, right?