INBOX ZERO VICTORY. It's been a week or so of single digit inbox. Damn, that feels good.
10 days til Tilly and the Wall in portland. I have an extra ticket if anyone wants to go. Wear your dancing shoes.
Django : The web framework for ponies with magical powers
Been having a hard time falling asleep the past few nights. That makes waking up for work in the morning a special kind of challenge.
Today is such a double whammy. The weather gorge (I have to work inside) and I overslept (which means statying late).
In reply to:@n8duke crazy. Where could they go with a sequel?
In reply to:@elisfanclub are you auto tweeting new listyourlist lists or doing it manually?
In reply to:@aphoenix dude, i plowed through the first 8 episodes of season 1 last night. i'm so hooked. wicked good. thanks for the recommendation.
You know something, I don't hate html tables anymore. We had a few years of not talking. Neither of us can even remember how it started now.
re-re-tweeted (via @kevinclark). hilarious. people spend a LOT of time creating youtube video remixes.
In reply to:@rschroed What about some bbq fritos? With grill marks!
For only getting 4 hours sleep last night, this monday morning is pretty good so far. I think the Journey and Paula Abdul soundtrack helped.
In reply to:@botah oh fuck, man. what happened?
In reply to:@rands if you keep it at zero, there's no need to thread.
In reply to:@elisfanclub dude, that lodge is gonna make you sweat 'til you bleed. is that dope enough? indeed.