@aphoenix omg! serena == summer, dan == seth.
In reply to:
It's been a whirl wind weekend. Almost not believable.
In reply to:@botah oh noez! So do you own a new broken bike now?
When you're on a diet, you can still look at the menu. You just can't order.
With Helene at Yankees Vs mariners. Great game so far.
Did emp/sci-fi museum with French Couchsurfer Helene from San fracisco. Now eating at the space needle.
No regrets, no.
Now this is pod-racing!
I love single serve websites. http://umbrellatoday.com/ (via @jbarnette)
In reply to:@aphoenix ok. i'm going for it. getting season 1 now.
In reply to:@rschroed and two fridges...
In reply to:@bookis is printing the first batch of resistance army shirts. i'm building out the webba site. opening our doors... soon.
Happiness stretching thin.
In reply to:@aphoenix omigod. no. i can't believe it. is it any where as good as the oc was?
In reply to:@rschroed i know, right?