Ouch: http://tinyurl.com/5aaf6x
I am Jack's total lack of surprise.
OH: "It's just not that interesting to me. It's like math."
In reply to:@Poshy what language/s do you work in?
Stoners on bus talking economics, social security labour bonds, patriot act, federal reserve... Please shoot me now.
Migrated my webba site from TextDrive (aka Joyent) to Heroku. My TxD experience was always lackluster. Way too many knobs to twiddle.
float: left; float: left; clear: left;
It's Journey / 100 Push Ups O'Clock
In reply to:@bookis yauw suspect!
In reply to:@arielwaldman cupcake central?
(via @arielwaldman) 130 cats : http://bit.ly/130cats (& related http://bit.ly/130cats_english). oh man. one. hundred. thirty. cats. 130!
In reply to:@vivaluxury (3/3) Stay aware be alert, bomb first, don't tell.
In reply to:@vivaluxury (2/3) Hope for the best, prepare for worst.
In reply to:@vivaluxury (1/3) My definition of a soldier; revolutionary, military minded, ready for whatever.
In reply to:@vivaluxury But then if you a liar-liar, pants on fire, wolf-crier, agent with a wire, I'm gonna know it when I play it.