@t i tried to look at the slides again on iPhone on bus ride home. S5 totally shits the bed in mobile safari. Is this a known problem?
In reply to:
Let's be friends: http://octopod.es/veganstraightedge
i totally have a crush on @arielwaldman
Seattle.rb is looking pretty light this week. No @jbarnette or the brothers ruby. But @elisfanclub came or the first time in over two years.
In reply to:@t your "@t" link at the end of your AEA slide is missing the "//" after "http:" making it not work. Nice slides. Wish I could've heard it.
Last time I flew into bay area I wondered "what are those?" @jkottke answered: http://bit.ly/jksp > http://bit.ly/gmsp & http://bit.l ...
In reply to:@rstevens coupon-schmoupon
In indianapolis we called all soda/pop "coke". Turns out, we weren't alone: http://bit.ly/sodapop : US map of generic names for soft drinks
History of olympic medals by country chart: http://tinyurl.com/5o4gkl
In reply to:@ev i'm for it +1
Raining. Awesome.
It's the middle of August in Seattle. Of course it's gloomy and chilly. Thanks Seattle!
In reply to:@bookis just said to me: "Hey, I'm really hot. Do you have any bootie shorts I can borrow?" me: "yep"
It's 7:30 pm and @elisfanclub is finally putting on some pants. Who is this guy?
I just put in an order for 500 tshirts for the resistance army shirt relaunch. It's all happening.