OH: "George and the Dragon is the best place ever" -Mike "Hot Tub" Porter
"I thought only REAL food came in those containers" said the fat fat bus driver about a take home box of salad.
3D pictures from Mars. No, seriously. 3D. Pictures. From. Mars. http://bit.ly/3dmars
Oh Rorschach: http://bit.ly/rorschach Watchmen Trailer: http://bit.ly/watchmen
I think that I might be transforming into a mango or a tango or both. I don't know.
In reply to:@elisfanclub Like whoa.
I was in bed and asleep by 10pm and I keep getting awoken by stuff.
4 cashiers for 4 self serve checkout stands seems a bit fail to me. But what do I know about grocery stores.
Sitting on a wall in the sun. Ms walking by stopped right in front of me to light his cigarette. Asshole.
OH: "I just dream in colors of Mac. I don't actually do it."
Just because the species of seal that I saw isn't extinct yet, does not mean that civilization does not need to be stopped still.
Turns out I was a wrong, kind of. The CARIBBEAN Monk Seal went extinct in June. The Hawaiian Monk Seal is still not extinct... barely.
Remember: Seattle.rb meetings are at Shinka Tea until Vivace gets its new place.
rapidly approaching 1000 tweets
In reply to:@steffROCK Stewart Butterfield's resignation letter from flickr is pretty choice: http://bit.ly/resign