On days like today, I really don't want to be inside. I want to lay in the grass under the sun eating a juice pop. Is that so much to ask?
In reply to:
@elisfanclub nope. i don't have a crazy alien belly button though.
Let's hear it for having 3 checkouts of the same code base!
Twitter bought Summize and now has search proper: http://search.twitter.com/
In reply to:@steffROCK college AGE. No guarantees they were in college.
I saw one of last Monk Seals alive in March in Hawaii and in June they were declared extinct. Civilzation must be stopped.
Last night I saw 2 college age boys cleaning about 200 sq/ft with individual paper towells. Maybe they like ACTUALLY hate old growth forest.
In reply to:@elisfanclub they only are in some states. seriously. NOT vegan in washington, for example.
TextMate tips: Forward delete to the end of the line: CTRL - K. Select whole line from anywhere in the line: CMD - SHIFT - L.
I am amazed at the number of people who work for a web based company and have no clue about how things work on the web.
Parsing BAD copywriting: Use consistent caps. End list items w/ punctuation or don't. Not both. Don't close your eyes & litter commas about.
iPhoto thinks my external firewire hard drive is a digital camera. It is wrong.
Helped @amyhoy find the book "on problem solving"