My first guests! Four french kids studying architecture in quebec city/montreal traveling for a month in the us site-seeing
In reply to:
@arielwaldman do you mean BOOMbox, not BEATbox.
In reply to:@elisfanclub way to go, nerd.
I was just told that I bowl like Happy Gilmore golfs. I'm ok with that.
In reply to:@elisfanclub do it. tell them you're the antarctica kid.
ATTN all Seattle ruby nerds. Tonights meeting is moved to shinka tea at olive & boylston
In reply to:@Poshy Have you given Git a try? It's the new hottness.
To make $100,000 / year, but still only work a 4 hour / 4 day week, you only have to make $130 / hour. That's not TOTALLY crazy, right? Cmon
Inbox: 4. Getting there.
Dark and difficult times lie ahead. We must soon make the decision between what is easy and what is right.
Inbox: 25. WTF?
Today is already a shit storm. Ugh.
Power just went out in Wedgwood. Any other Seattle-ites having rolling brown outs?
A transformer on a pole just blew right as I was under it. My head is pounding now.
...oh, right. It's because the bus smells like a giant porta-potty at the county fairgrounds.