Wondering why everyone getting off the bus was gasping for fresh air...
Work talk today has been all iPhone. Even from the non-mac-fanboys.
In reply to:@arielwaldman What does that mean?
Steve-note, Steve-note, Steve-note!
In reply to:@rands While traveling in New Zealand I was trying to invent a card game that centered around prime numbers. I was unsuccessful though.
It might turn out that it was good to be so late in planting seeds, because of this crap weather Seattle's been having lately. June-uary!
Finally planted seeds in my garden boxes. Only 2.5 months late. 'Wait to go, Shane.' Better late than never, I guess.
Mail.app now remembers my passwords, not asking for them every time I start it up. Thanks, 10.5.3!
In reply to:@elisfanclub son's mother
Hilarious. The Marriage Bed. Sex and Intimacy for Married Christians http://www.themarriagebed.com
Newish news site optimized for large screens, read "Large Photos". Awesome. http://boston.com/bigpicture/
In reply to:@elisfanclub OMFG. That would be A. Maze. Ing.
Cleaned the shit out of my house. Playing board games with emily. Pretty good start to the weekend.
In reply to:@poshy street view of royal thai http://tinyurl.com/5z6ctu
In reply to:@Poshy this will be comic-con number four for me. it's loads of fun. royal thai on 5th ave has the best fresh spring rolls in the country.