My uvula is so swollen that its resting on my tongue. Sucks.
Happy May Day, brothers and sisters.
In reply to:@kevinclark i think the same thing every day. especially when i see people doing hard physical work... like construction or trash pickup.
In reply to:@bookis what are your Q's. i might could give you some A's.
In reply to:@bookis sign up for emmmily at (the url will change later, but it's ready to use now!)
In reply to:@elisfanclub JE. SUS. CHRIST.
In reply to:@factoryjoe gmail: 6,388; 7/4/2004. you beat me by an order of magnitude and a month-ish.
In reply to:@n8duke nope and nope.
I just want to say for the record that I do not (nor did I ever) like the sex pistols.
Rails Console. FTW.
This 372 bus is going out of control fast. I just got airborne out of my seat on the last bump.
Oil at $120 / barrel today.
This weather totally fucking sucks. And so do derelict used ban-aids. Cmon!
Finally met the band from the back neighbor's house that i've heard practice for a year. Listening to their cd now. So far, eh...
In reply to:@elisfanclub welcome back to mrrrica.