My morning ritual these days:
- wake up
- make bed
- open curtains
- open windows
It's nice. I like it.
My morning ritual these days:
- wake up
- make bed
- open curtains
- open windows
It's nice. I like it.
RT @A_single_bear: I rolled off the pile of dirt. It's been a busy morning. I am a bear.
@lizmrush Sunday afternoon is great for me. đź‘Ť
@evanphx What’s an sourceforge?
RT @hydeordie: Found this boxer at Echo Park lake, anyone know his owner?
RT @truthorange: #⬅️👋📱 = #LeftSwipeDat
@lizmrush Thanks! That'd be awesome.
Anyone in LA wanna spend a couple few hours with me sometime this week/end showing me the Interface Builder / Storyboard ropes for #iOS plz?
@jina Remember when they sued Napster and college kids?
@jxson Thanks.
To begin with, I'd like to read/watch just a high level overview of each. Ideas for that?
@jennschiffer Prove it.
I want to learn about Interface Builder and Storyboards.
Any suggestions on where I should start?
“Fuck Tha Police” by N.W.A. (@mcrencpt) is my new jam. Listen:
“Fuck The Police (N.W.A. cover)” by Rage Against the Machine (@RATM) is my new jam. Listen:
I read a bunch of comics last night for the first time in a few months. It felt real real good.