@jessicard You do you. Fuck the rest of them.
In reply to:
@KeybaseIO Can I make my username veganstraightedge instead of veganstraightedg yet?
RT @sabokitty: Put me in a tomato patch and I'll see tomatoes. Put me in a white supremacist society and I'll see race. Color blindness is …
A quicker Twitter blockerer.
/by @waxpancake
A map of:
Literally every goat in the United Stateshttp://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/wonkblog/wp/2015/01/12/map-literally-every-goat-in-the-united-states
/via @n8duke
In reply to:@lindseybieda Followed by Hoth Leia and Speeder Bike Leia.
In reply to:@lindseybieda Like Bounty Hunter Leia.
RT @sabokitty: Marches in #Paris bigger than today's #ParisMarch:
• 13 May 1968 revolt
• March-April 2006 youth marches
• 2010 pension marc…RT @sabokitty: When they lie to you the #ParisMarch is the largest since liberation, they omit the 2006 risings and Mai 1968 in #Paris. #up…
Weather apps are for people who don't live in LA. Right?
Anyone in LA ever hire a dump truck to haul away a grip of dirt?
(Asking for a friend.)
So LA. #sunset
RT @ashedryden: The internet in my office is so bad that the call I just tried to have with @veganstraightedge was like the first transatla…
In reply to:@tara It's those Kleenexes that were really weighing you down.
Again, to be clear ind.ie has nothing to do with @indiewebcamp or the #indieweb.