@bwjones @seanbonner So, what I hear you saying is that we should split about half the time and sometimes peel or mash sometimes too. :P
In reply to:In reply to:
@bwjones @seanbonner We're as much bonobo as we are chimp.
In reply to:@sophia_amoruso @bud_caddell I'm a fan of the misquoted variation of that:
“If you're in hell, the only way out is through.”
Colombian fireworks factory explodes killing two.
RT @evanphx: Dear the rest of North America: it was 80F here today. 😘
Looking for an LA based #Python friendly #backbonejs front end dev.
Actually, asking for a friend.
See something say something. Right? @ Hollywood Walk-in Clinic http://instagram.com/p/xiLshYsnma/
In reply to:@friendofdurutti :heart eyes emoji:
I'm putting together a dodgeball team for the Echo Park (in LA, duh) league that starts on February 10 for 10 weeks on Tuesdays.
Interested?RT @neilhimself: Looking for rare prints to auction for the @GaimanFND in the basement, I run across 1st ever Sandman character sketch http…
In reply to:@friendofdurutti Sounds amazing.
Typographically, this is really pretty.
In reply to:@sailorhg Do you know @tenderlove, @ebiltwin, @drbrain, @eliseworthy, @bookis, @deanero?
(Who am I forgetting?)
Bloop/pong.RT @nannerb: Disney make use of table layouts in their emails, shows a representation of a character with images disabled. http://t.co/atMl…