@kneath Both of them?
In reply to:
Wait. This isn't a ride.
↓ 320 Mb/s
↑ 22 Mb/sIn reply to:@blithe Lunch plans.
Any iOS folks use a feature flipper to selectively enable features based on some conditions?
RT @CarriePotter_: *man shares his experience of having his feelings hurt by feminism*
me: ok but what were u wearing
him: why does it mat…RT @The5thWaveFL: Downtown Macon is about to experience an alien apocalypse! They're already preping for shooting! #5thWaveMovie http://t.c…
In reply to:@gruber Agreed. That always throws me off when it plays in front of non-Star Wars movies.
@brentsimmons @marcoarment @infraredflower Do any of you use a "feature flipper" in iOS land to selectively enable some features some times?
What, pray tell, are you doing, #rooftopthecat? @ The Farmhouse http://instagram.com/p/xe7rIasni0/
Apple cobbler. @ Crossroads Kitchen http://instagram.com/p/xdjcjTsngi/
Vegan caviar. @ Crossroads Kitchen http://instagram.com/p/xdfnLBMnsa/
Did North Korea Hack Sony dot com?
In reply to:@powerllama House. No question.
@lastfm My scrobbler has stopped and won't let me connect (looking for proxy info). Won't give me the URL either. http://t.co/bPS1fZQPI6