RT @monteiro: Rules of fandom: 1. Where you’re from. 2. Where you live. 3. Who your mom or pop rooted for.
@culturedcode What's the ETA on V3?
RT @nytimes: Sleater-Kinney's reunion record is the first great album of 2015 http://nyti.ms/1xnwdD7 http://t.co/QQ05eSoZ9Y
RT @A_single_bear: I wonder if each rain drop has a specific smell and all the combined droplet smells make the smell of rain. I am a bear.…
Your horoscope for 2015.
RT @bigQuakesLA: A 4.5 magnitude earthquake occurred 4.97mi N of Castaic, California. Details: http://eqbot.com/pPm Map: http://t.co/LbzB…
@seanbonner If you ever need a temporary co-host to rant with you on your podcast, I'm willing to sit it on it.
Charlie Brooker's 2014 Wipe [Review of the year 2014 News, funny, bizzare , movies,viral]
In reply to:@tmbundles @khaledaboualfa
You'll need to manually change:Fountain.tmbundle > Syntaxes > Fountain.tmlanguage
In reply to:@tmbundles @khaledaboualfa Here's one.
In reply to:@seanbonner I might. Let's talk.
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