@mollycrabapple Can I get that shirt somewhere? π
In reply to:
RT @mollycrabapple: Speaking on the subject of this picture making fad, @claytoncubitt sent me some mini prints http://t.co/gQMSU5Cyez
In reply to:@OnTheJumbotron I know nothing. But I'm investigating. Let's put together a team.
In reply to:@onthejumbotron #truefacts
In reply to:@tomcoates App dot net. :P
In reply to:@kraykray Clever.
In reply to:@seanbonner π
In reply to:@gregbennick Same same, but different.
Japan tour
In reply to:@johnbender right?
Kitsault, British Columbia, Canada.
I want to go to there.
@zachklein Is this cabin on @cabinporn?
Boiling an iPhone 6 in Coca-Cola will make it not work anymore. Shocking.
RT @A_single_bear: I found a very handsome stick today. I am a bear.
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