“Did you miss our last webinar? Don’t worry!
Watch the recording and learn exactly how to level up your company using eSignatures.”
“Did you miss our last webinar? Don’t worry!
Watch the recording and learn exactly how to level up your company using eSignatures.”
The @nerdmeritbadges Bitcoin badge still costs one bitcoin. Bananas.
RT @crimethinc: From Ferguson to Oakland: A full report on 17 days of riots and revolt in the Bay Area http://cwc.im/fergusontooakland http://t.co/Q…
Of course the asshole blasting his music at 3 am is in a yellow Corvette. @ The Farmhouse http://instagram.com/p/wgP_HDsnrr/
@lascanner Lots of sirens in Hollywood right now near Gower and Sunset.
@johnbender Ah. That actually makes sense.
@sarahmei Talk to @jlsuttles. I think she did that at a place.
Open Terminal.app.
Type this then press enter:
Aaaaaand... My license plates got stolen off of my car. @ The Farmhouse http://instagram.com/p/wfjQnIsngY/
@j05h Mostly, see how they think, where they'll ask question, and how honest they are about their weaknesses.
@j05h Ask them to talk through building a traffic signal.
What business decision questions do they ask?
What's their strategy for logic?
@wifelette Classic™
While you're at it, learn up on security culture. That shit is important.
Of course there were undercovers in the protests. There are undercovers in every meaningful protest/action.
RT @CourtneyPFB: Here is an image of one of last nights undercovers pointing his gun directly at a person with a camera. #oakland http://t.…