@olivierlacan @jbarnette
@olivierlacan @jbarnette
RT @HomesteadingIO: Closer…
gem install homesteading
homesteading new mysite
cd mysite
homesteading deploy:heroku
RT @crimethinc: Why property destruction has been central to the new wave of struggle against police violence http://cwc.im/breakwindows http:/…
RT @crimethinc: Now printing: To Change Everything https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/crimethinc/to-change-everything/posts/1079328 http://t.co/JA45idMI8c
@evanpro We already have non-human people. Vegans have recognized this for a long time. 😉
@jina The only way.
@s0paranoid Yeah. That too. Or `rails console`. But today it was helpful while working on the @homesteadingio CLI.
"How do I…?" "Oh I see!"
@s0paranoid I mean nothing. I know other languages have REPLs. I just had an awesome moment thanks to IRB. Singing its praises is all.
@idahoev I mean nothing. I know other dynamic languages have REPLs. I just had an awesome moment thanks to IRB. Singing its praises is all.
@sixwing I mean nothing. I know other dynamic languages have REPLs. I just had an awesome moment thanks to IRB. Singing its praises is all.
RT @OaklandElle: And for the love of God, stop trying to recruit me into the fucking Peace Police, people. I'm out to protest cops, not bec…
👍 I just @iancanderson’s post “Ruby 2 Keyword Arguments” for a refresher and it was real helpful.
Srsly. What do people in most other languages do without IRB?
@gesa 😁
@amilum You don't need Friday to say them.