Naming things:
Method arg that is either :remote or :local.
What is that arg called?
/cc @jbarnette @olivierlacan
Naming things:
Method arg that is either :remote or :local.
What is that arg called?
/cc @jbarnette @olivierlacan
@nixbrodeur What's the timetable?
@judsonlester I mostly just think Gemfile reads prettier than .gemspec.
@steveklabnik Right? Who does that? What is it, 2006!?
@hone02 @indirect
Like this?
add_development_dependency => group :development
add_runtime_dependency => group :production
“Reverse Santa?”
@indirect @hone02 Any dis/advantage with one way or another?
When building a gem (with bundler), is it preferred to put development dependencies in .gemspec or in Gemfile?
@indirect @hone02
redirects to
New Mail Kimp tonight at midnight!
It's a @vektrasays shirt kinda day while I work on `homesteading deploy`.
Yes. Bush, Cheney, et al are war criminals. No doubt.
But don't forget, Obama is too.
Dog hates cops #acab:
Great to see a new post on @arielwaldman’s blog:
“Six fears that keep event organizers up at night”