Arizona white cop killed an unarmed black man.
Rumain Brisbon.
How many hours was it between this and the last one?
Arizona white cop killed an unarmed black man.
Rumain Brisbon.
How many hours was it between this and the last one?
RT @HomesteadingIO: gem install homesteading
homesteading new mysite
cd mysite
homesteading server
@desireexelyda Because it's hard to not be romantic about sports.
Though I still think A New Scout Handbook would be awesome and I had some pretty decent ideas.
I had “plans” to curate A New Scout Handbook years ago that I've abandoned because @DIY exists.
RT @seanbonner: People keep asking “why aren’t these cops being indicted” without realizing it’s not illegal for cops to kill anyone they w…
@LAScanner Any idea what the whirlybirds over Hollywood (Sunset / Gower) are for?
RT @A_single_bear: My ears are exceptionally fuzzy today. I am a bear.
@adactio @chrismessina HAHAHA.
If I look great today, it's at least 80% because of my new @jkottke shirt. @ Cafe Gratitude " I Am…
@thoward37 Sorry. I misread your intent. My bad. :|
Maybe if we're really really peaceful or film cops or demand trials for murderers, cops will kill people less?
Maybe go fuck yourself.
What's the name of the person that US cops killed today?
RT @ozchrisrock: American's killed by Ebola: 2
American's killed by ISIS: 3
American's killed by U.S. Police Officers: 400+ every year