@nbauman Same thing, basically.
In reply to:
RT @ozchrisrock: Garner is unarmed. The chokehold is banned. The coroner ruled it a homicide. It is on video. None of this matters #ICantB…
My favorite part is when the cat walks backward.
Charts about @serial listeners.
In reply to:@thoward37 what kind of toot is that?
In reply to:@lightcap a modest proposal
“The Last Time the Arctic Was Ice-Free in the Summer, Modern Humans Didn’t Exist”
In reply to:The solution isn't a technology one. There's no list of “3 clever life hacks” to end white supremacist killer cops genocide of black people.
Fuck your call for body cameras. The problem isn't a lack of surveillance or evidence. The problem is cops literally get away with murder.
RT @ShaunKing: The continued call from violent people for protestors to remain non-violent has worn thin on most of us.
RT @LAScanner: .@CHPsouthern Can I swim on the Freeway? If yes, which one?
In reply to:@anomalily Also, you should know better than to use an apostrophe in mid hashtag. Cmon!
In reply to:@anomalily hashtag spoiler alert
In reply to:Zack Attack and the A.C. Slaters
Dan Humphrey and the Gossip Girls.