Vandalism and violence are different words with different meanings. Their direct objects are different too. Don't conflate them.
RT @accessforbidden: remember that darren wilson has $430,000 of tax free cash funnelled through his charity fund. for killing. an innocent…
I was in a movie.
Are things setting off yet?@HardcoreHistory I'd love to hear a full episode on COINTELPRO.
I love those little moments when I figure out some problem that I've never done before. I actually WOOHOOed out loud (alone in my house)!
In reply to:@ajsharp When you find your answer, please post it.
In reply to:@ajsharp Ah.
In reply to:@ajsharp ?
In reply to:@hillary Thanks! It'd be nice for posterity and for linkability.
Remember that terrifying anglerfish in Finding Nemo? Here's the real thing.
Someone should make a high quality sequel to this:
All My Heroes Still Wear Masks
This is the last day to throw money at @SarahNumber4's book tour kickstarter for “Binary Star”. Do it.
I do this thing where I copy/style edit while I read. Books, articles, fiction, non-fiction. Doesn't matter. I wish I could just be in it.
“I write to remember.
Because I'm a million miles away.
Will you get this letter?” ♫RT @mollycrabapple: Saying "liberal". Meaning "basic"