To "Social Media Marketing" people at companies:
1. Turn off scheduled tweets for now.
2. Don't try to insert your into this thing.
To "Social Media Marketing" people at companies:
1. Turn off scheduled tweets for now.
2. Don't try to insert your into this thing.
The backchannel tonight though.
@jackdanger Imagine that there were no cops.
Some of #OAK2STL has crossed the center barricade on 580.
#OAK2STL Stand off on the 580.
RT @postmodern_mod3: For those confused about violent vs. non-violent protest and the police. Checkout "Pacifism as Pathology":…
#OAK2STL on the 580. Stand off with the cops while intertwangled in stopped traffic still.
How many people will be killed by cops tonight?
It looks like #OAK2STL has made it onto the highway going against oncoming traffic (which is all stopped).
RT @XaiaX: Apparently the guy with the secret extra-judicial murder list is on TV saying that violence is not an acceptable solution?
It's cute how the Oakland PD have stopped traffic on the highway to prevent protestors from getting on the highway and stopping traffic.
I'm watching #OAK2STL live aerial footage right now.
@wycats Just back away and let him be.
RT @seanbonner: Step 1: say it will explode.
Step 2: create situation that can’t do anything except explode.
Step 3: told you so!!
Vandalism is against property.
Violence is against lives.