Tilda is a beautiful new script typeface by @jessicahische (based on her Moonrise Kingdom work).
Tilda is a beautiful new script typeface by @jessicahische (based on her Moonrise Kingdom work).
RT @ShaunKing: Obama ="Protestors, don't use #Ferguson as an excuse for violence."
Protestors ="Police, don't use black people as an excus…
RT @OnixFounder: Cant even start to express how much I love this. Computer shop fits new floor in Paris, Its completely flat. http://t.co/a…
RT @_JoyCastro: "We live in capitalism. Its power seems inescapable; so did the divine right of kings." –Ursula Le Guin
RT @crimethinc: Tracing the trajectory of protest from Occupy to Ferguson: what it tells us about the future of social movements http://t.c…
RT @A_single_bear: Maybe the tiny hairs of my fur are made up of tiny bears and I am an infinite number of bears? Probably not. I am just o…
RT @kellyoxford: Jay and Adnan both innocent. Police built case against Adnan, told Jay he'd go down for having car. They tell Jay Adnan di…
RT @nakajima: new taylor swift album is weird like why is she talking the whole time and who is this adnan guy and why is she always mentio…
RT @rubygems: dang (2.0.0): Dang is a Ruby templating language.
It uses angle brackets and CSS syntax.
Somewhere between ERB and… http://t.…
RT @SomanyHs: Ruby hero being a hero @drbrain @veganstraightedge http://t.co/WF9KJ8nCgh
RT @rudy: #rubyconf highlight; chatting w/ friend'o'friend & @farmhouse creator @veganstraightedge. Make sure you do too. (thx again, Shane…
It's like a Less Than Jake song. @ Omni San Diego Hotel http://instagram.com/p/vl5eudMnl5/
Is it
In you?
How many black people do US cops have to kill before you apologists call it genocide? Like what's the actual number?
Him: “I really care about and support everyone in the world.”
Me: “Even brown shirt fascists in Greece?”