1. You know what breaks the fourth wall more than *anything* else?

    A character using a Blackberry.

    Talk about suspending disbelief, amiright?

    Remember “New Math” by @MisterDamrauer? It was kind of totally amazing.


    (Click on the blue box for more maths.)

    The Final Countdown
    (for To Change Everything)

    If you haven't already, give some money to this, please go do now.


    RT @ShaunKing: More than any recent event in my adult lifetime, Ferguson has exposed that while America has changed some, racism is fully a…

    RT @waxpancake: NSA director's pitch to geeks: http://blogs.wsj.com/digits/2014/11/03/nsa-director-offers-olive-branch-in-silicon-valley-speech/ Pretty sure I saw that in a movie once: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ghpeshRDE8g