My bash profile has a lot of short aliases.
Distribution by alias length:
1: 9
2: 21
3: 23
4: 27
5: 17
6: 23
7+: 33
My bash profile has a lot of short aliases.
Distribution by alias length:
1: 9
2: 21
3: 23
4: 27
5: 17
6: 23
7+: 33
11" Air: Fullscreen apps, awesome!
30" Display: Fullscreen apps, NEVER!
RT @everycolorbot: 0x0a497e
Reserve you “Powered by the Vegan Straightedge” or forever hold your peace. Need to sell 41 more.
And I’m not even using any Helvetica. Who knew‽
@zeejab But like where? A house in East St Louis or …?
Location location location.
/cc @brianloveswords
This secret project that I’m designing right now is the best design work I’ve ever done. I can’t wait to be able to share it
“Goodbye My Love” by Kristen May is my new jam. Listen:
You know what’s a good warm up for an hour of dodgeball?
Another hour of dodgeball.
Oh. My. Gosh.
Saga is so good.
When I said “Too Many Cooks” was brilliant, I was only 5 minutes deep. It gets even more brillianter. Keep watching.
“Too Many Cooks” is pretty brilliant.
/via @waxpancake
Every week, I’m blown away by Serial Podcast.
RT @crimethinc: Less than 5 hours left to contribute to our To Change Everything fundraiser—help us reach our final stretch goal! https://…
@ashedryden totally