Dear @BoingBoing,
In theory, how much would I have to pay you per month/year to not have to see ads on the site?
Dear @BoingBoing,
In theory, how much would I have to pay you per month/year to not have to see ads on the site?
Like this bullshit. I don't want to see anything from people like this.
I wish I could setup some filters for who is allowed to show up in my mentions.
No location?
No bio?
No thanks!
I am genuinely surprised that the #Ferguson cops haven't killed anyone else yet.
RT @coketweet: Governor Nixon would rather invade an American city with a thousand militarized riot police than indict one murderous cop. #…
Large PDF all about @esa_rosetta + @Philae2014 comet landing.!/menu/main/topColumns/topLeftColumn/pdf/515172a.pdf
RT @ESA_Rosetta: GO/NOGO1 complete: I'm on the right tr ajectory to correctly deliver @Philae2014
Dear @Philae2014,
Good luck, little buddy! You can do it!
<3 Sb
Anthropomorphized satellite and comet lander.
Seems to me that the best way to honor existing veterans is to stop making new veterans.
Grumpy Cat + Aubrey Plaza + Christmas = Lifetime Movie?
RT @OaklandElle: Society has got some fucked up priorities when we gasp at the thought of broken windows, but don't even blink at the murde…
RT @OaklandElle: "Violence will not be tolerated" really just means "vandalism will be met with violence."
“Aurora Australis” was the first book ever written, printed, illustrated and bound in the Antarctic.
I just deactivated the auto-renewal for 9 domains. Feels good.