This is where I learned my Craigslist negotiating style.
This is where I learned my Craigslist negotiating style.
@sarahnumber4 I hope it helps.
Do you love sci-fi?
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Back @SarahNumber4's Kickstarter.
#rooftopthecat is getting more into cuddling. @ The Farmhouse
RT @A_single_bear: A hare challenged me to a race today, but I took a very long nap instead of showing up. I lost the race, but I still fee…
RT @A_single_bear: I am glad nothing too heavy uses me as transportation. Bugs, squirrels, sticks, and frogs are all very light and managea…
RT @A_single_bear: What a great day to smell the fur between your toes. The dampness in the air leaves the tiny hairs with a lovely fragran…
RT @A_single_bear: I tried to eat the moon again because I thought it was a bug. My face hit a tree. I am a bear.
RT @A_single_bear: I want to catch a comet. I am a bear. A bear stuck on the ground.
RT @A_single_bear: I do not think any one of my claws is better than the others. I enjoy them equally. They're all great at tummy scratchin…
#rooftopthecat on Polaroid film that expired in 2009. @ The Farmhouse
Do you still have the chair?
Will you OBO a bit?
It’s $170 new. $50 is a fair.
$40 and I will pick it up tonight.
Sleater-Kinney live show from 1999-05-02 at The Echo Lounge in Atlanta, GA.
“Pocket Games” (Cadallaca song) by Corin Tucker solo in 2006.
“Nothing Better” by @PostalService is my new jam. Listen: