- Stay up all night reading comic books.
- Sleep in.
- Wake up.
- Eat apple by for “breakfast”.
Hashtag adulting.
- Stay up all night reading comic books.
- Sleep in.
- Wake up.
- Eat apple by for “breakfast”.
Hashtag adulting.
@hydeordie what's with today today?
RT @neiltyson: Mysteries of #Interstellar: Can’t imagine a future where escaping Earth via wormhole is a better plan than just fixing Earth.
RT @everycolorbot: 0xf5870d http://t.co/607FaUnFPE
@seanbonner Bummer.
@seanbonner Well, sure. I don't expect to be able to stay. I'd just like some money for my troubles. 😁
@seanbonner Do you have any lawyer friends that specialize in this?
@seanbonner Hmm. Ok.
Does anyone know about LA’s no cause evict laws? How much notice? How much payout? Etc.
@rabble Looks like a rad adventure mobile!
@johnbender I haven't looked into them much.
Goddamn, I love some simple markup.
@seanbonner @tara “Oh, excuse me. I’m sorry. I’m needed over there right now.”
:points left:
:walks right:
@seanbonner You need a visual signal too.