1. How to teach people how to cuss in other languages.


    /by @shenanigansen
    /via @jory

    Today in #acab: NYPD cop steals $1000+ from a black man then pepper sprays the victim.


    RT @ashedryden: Bravery is not “if we hired more marginalized people, we could make more money!”. Capitalism isn’t brave, y’all.

    RT @OaklandElle: RIP Loukanikos. You were a good dog. http://www.theguardian.com/business/2014/oct/09/greece-riot-dog-loukanikos-dies-eurozone-crisis

    RT @ShaunKing: Who killed Amadou Diallo? Name them without googling it. Who killed Sean Bell? Name them without googling it. This reality i…

    RT @A_single_bear: Maybe a newer bear will replace me one day. It will use my cave and smell my old paw prints in the soil. It will be a be…

    RT @AnnieLowrey: Holy crap: captive orcas speak dolphin. http://news.sciencemag.org/plants-animals/2014/10/captive-orcas-speak-dolphin via @MargRev